begin to begening

Software: Away3D 4.x

Gallyca, Newbie
Posted: 23 December 2011 10:06 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hello, Is my first visit in this forum and i have question to begening 3d developements in Away3d and flex.

I am a french devlopers student and i have beging to one tutorial in away3D 4, the tutorial to the vase(;

I is not had any problems with this tutorial but if i want to test any tutorials in away3d 3(with AS3 code for away3d), i have problems with the Librarys.

My question is:

i need tutorials in Away3d 4 or exemple of AS3 containing developement for Away3d 4 (for train me), or the best solution is to work in Away3d 3 for begin ?

PS: scuse me for my bad english ^^but un hate google traductor(too easy).

PPS: scuse me i just see now the others topics and my requiest is in the wrong section, if a moderator can translate her in the good section pleaze?


mrpinc, Sr. Member
Posted: 24 December 2011 12:58 AM   Total Posts: 119   [ # 1 ]


Aucun probleme, I’ll ya pas beacuoup de resources pour Away 4 mais i’ll y’a une site qui m’a aider.

S’il vous plait excuse ma pauvre francais.  C’est plusieurs d’annes que je devais communiquer l’avec.


Gallyca, Newbie
Posted: 24 December 2011 01:34 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 2 ]

ho thanck you, this site have video and code for exemple, i sure, I’ll be able to start learning in 3d with this site!

PS: you have a good french if you don’t had pratice her ^^.



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