Which GIT branch we should use?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Zerone, Newbie
Posted: 07 November 2011 11:23 PM   Total Posts: 22

I use away3d code from git. But there are 3 branch “dev”, “master” and “texturerefactor”.

I have seen there are big changes, which is the lastest code and which one we should use?



Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 20 November 2011 12:30 PM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 1 ]

I have exactly the same question, from what I understand by looking into the github branches it sounds like the latest is the dev branch ? Can anyone confirm this ?

I wrote a demo game prototype a couple months ago using away3D 4 Alpha ( http://www.deepintodarkness.com/ ), now I’d like to start coding up the real game on a “safe” base as it seems quite a few things have changed / are changing compared to Alpha.

Can anyone from the Away3D team shed some light on this please ?


Jack Dracon, Newbie
Posted: 23 November 2011 01:58 PM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 2 ]

So, the master version is the last version stable (and always in development, as you can see on the git page).
The other branches, as I know, is for test and first versions before go to the master version.
I hope to help with this info.
Good lucky!


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 November 2011 02:21 PM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 3 ]

Thanks, but if you look at the 3 branches you will see that the “dev” one is the most recently updated, and that there are some important differences compared to the master one : mainly a “textures” folder containing the new texture classes.

From what I understand there is (has been ? not sure if they’re done with it or not)  an important rework going on, with textures and possibly other things as well.

I’m not looking for the current stable version, I’ll have at least a few months work on the game so I can live with not-so-stable versions for a while, I’d just like to go with the right packages so I don’t have to rewrite parts of my code in a few weeks when the “refactored” version becomes the master version, possibly breaking things up in my code.

I didn’t take time to have a deep look yet as I have other stuff to complete before that, but I think I’ll try with the dev branch first when I get some time again.

Basically I’m wanting to go with whatever branch is supposed to become the Beta version in the coming weeks. We’re still on Alpha, while Beta was expected mid-november according to the road map (no pun intended, I know too well how hard it is to work and maintain such a project - just trying to figure things out).


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 23 November 2011 02:44 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 4 ]

yes spot on… working is dev branche is a good idea.

Here an example of how looks the equivallent of the actual BitmapMaterial with the new material architecture.

var mat:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(new BitmapTexture(new BitmapData(256,256,false, 0x00FF00)));

“Beta was expected mid-november according to the road map”
True, we are on the late side. Sorry for that. But don’t worry, loads of work has been and is being done. Beyond what you see into these branches…


Jack Dracon, Newbie
Posted: 23 November 2011 03:15 PM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 5 ]

The dev branch will work smooth to you as well.
About the throught on the Beta version, a beta version isn’t a beta branch, I guess. wink
Good lucky!


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 November 2011 03:29 PM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 6 ]

Thanks Fabrice (and thanks Jack too)

“Beta was expected mid-november according to the road map”
True, we are on the late side. Sorry for that. But don’t worry, loads of work has been and is being done. Beyond what you see into these branches…

Just to be clear, as english is not my natural language so it might not have translated well : I have absolutely no problem with you away3d guys being “late”, you’re doing an incredible job and I was really, really pleased with my first experience using away3d wink

I come from shockwave3d (Director), and we’ve been waiting for updates for about 10 years with nothing (or almost nothing) coming in the end so the feeling with away3d is really warm to me despite the minor inconveniences which are to be expected from an open-source project !

Keep it up guys, I’ll make sure I donate when I manage to get some money from my work with away3d wink


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 23 November 2011 05:03 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 7 ]

How do you add lights to the material now?


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 23 November 2011 05:16 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 8 ]

you can acccess a material from library, deep parse the scene or use
the handy (I hope) utility LightHelper.applyLights(ObjectContainer, Vector.<lightBase>);


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 23 November 2011 06:01 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 9 ]


Quick look in lights helper
myMaterial.lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker(lightsArray);

bit brighter now smile



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