Does away3d support Multi-Material?

Software: Away3D 4.x

datouaizi, Member
Posted: 18 November 2011 10:24 AM   Total Posts: 98

I,m working on a project that camera can walk freely in a house , house was made by 3D MAX, a complex model ,
if export it as 3ds,it must be unwarpmap and baked. it cause a problem that change wall teture or floor teture or other`s become unable ,
Does away3d support Multi-Material? I really don`t want to bake model.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 18 November 2011 11:14 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

Yes, actually if you merge two meshes, both having different materials, you can see that the resulting mesh does display both materials.



datouaizi, Member
Posted: 18 November 2011 02:08 PM   Total Posts: 98   [ # 2 ]
Fabrice Closier - 18 November 2011 11:14 AM

Yes, actually if you merge two meshes, both having different materials, you can see that the resulting mesh does display both materials.

poly model must unwrap-map ,but in alternativa3d only can give a uvwmap modifier.unwrap-map mean you must draw texture in PS.

for example that the wall of the house ,in 3dmax I give face- elements uvwmap modifier,and texture shows correct in max,but export into away3d,it`s wrong.but in alternativa3D it`s right.

pic show al3d texture and a3d texture.



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 18 November 2011 04:25 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 3 ]

I’m not sure I do follow 100% here. Is it something that should be described into the 3ds file that the parser is missing? Faulty uv’s?
Do you have a case we could see online or that you could send me offline so I can actually be sure I undertand what the diff is?



SasMaster, Sr. Member
Posted: 19 November 2011 06:44 PM   Total Posts: 127   [ # 4 ]

I would like to extend on the question.Alternativa and Flare have Surface objects which allow using multi material (not by sub-object geometry) but several materials on the same surface .Do we have this in Away3D 4?



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