They just canney handle the power…
Apple is evil, when I turn my phone on it plays the animation of Android taking a leak on an apple.
Also note….
All those people using Internet Explorer (any version), if you break this web browser, you break the windows operating system. Micronoobs built windows to use so much of IE that if it breaks you break the OS!
It’s really really annoying. So don’t browse with it, don’t open it, remove all short cut links and download Chrome or Firefox and your windows os will live a longer less problematic life.
And to complete my hatred for IE, flash doesn’t work the same in IE7 as it does in IE9 compared to other browsers! Events can get fired and not even called (love that 1), text miss alignments, alphas may not work on text fields where the font is embedded where as it works in everything apart from IE… and lots more.
IE does nothing right, it’s javascript, css is different to all the rest aswell. They really really need to stop it from being a web browser.
My views in a list lol
Windows 7 = Love it
Windows 8 = I don’t want all my stuff on the web!
Microsoft = Hate
IE = Hell for all
Apple = Evil, they must die
Android = Ooo yes
Linux = Oooo yes, oh wait come on Adobe give us all your tools for this!
FireFox = Slow, Don’t like the way it accesses all my harddrives on startup, but it’s nice and great tools
iPad 2 = You bought that? Oh, it’s great m8, oh dear… Is it too late to take it back?
Glaxay Tab 10.1 = Very nice, runs flash too, sweet
Chrome = There is a hope
Google = May they crush Apple and Microsoft and become more of a super giant than they are! All hail google! lol