Most advanced SoundManager

Software: Other

Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 30 June 2013 11:37 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 16 ]

and just to know that:


ASWC, Member
Posted: 01 July 2013 12:42 AM   Total Posts: 76   [ # 17 ]

I am interested in FlashCC since it seems possible to compile a swc library which then people can use in their projects which in the case of a SoundManager will work across all supported platform and hopefully provide the claimed low latency. I didn’t look deep enough into it to know if we could still use steaming sound that way but it’s worth exploring. I’ll definitely post something if I come to work on it and put together a framework. It all depends on the amount of work and free time I have.

I think the main reason there’s no much exploitation of sounds in Flash games in mainly due to the poor AS3 Sound API and its limitations. If FlashCC can be a valuable answer to these problems Sounds in Flash Game (or other Sound Based apps like sequencer, etc ) might suddenly start to be exploited more as they should.


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 July 2013 05:51 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 18 ]

Hi ASWC, ( i have only Windows PC, no MAC OS-X, no ANDROID, no IOS ) but i think this “project” are really a good challenge, and a really usefull features !!! so all i know is:

ASIO driver source:
Requires additional lib download from ASIO owner Steinberg.


SuperSam, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 July 2013 11:48 AM   Total Posts: 102   [ # 19 ]

I think the main reason there’s no much exploitation of sounds in Flash games in mainly due to the poor AS3 Sound API and its limitations.

I think so as well. There’s also the fact that good sound and musics make for large file sizes. It was really a problem until recently…now, at least in my country, everyone’s super fast. I know it’s not the case everywhere though, including in many parts of the US.

Another upside of using CrossBridge is performance. It’s theoretically way faster than pure AS3 code, but one has to be careful because the cost of calling C++ compiled to AVM2 from AS3 might actually make the lib slower than pure AS3, in the end.

If I was to do a C++ lib for Flash (which might happen) I would probably test to find out where the bottlenecks are, and design the API only after that. I wonder if sound processing can be made GPU friendly, like how Bullet 3 managed to move collision detection on the GPU for massive performance improvements.



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