Free models ? :)

Software: Other

saraharriis, Newbie
Posted: 24 April 2013 08:12 AM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 1 ]

I am also looking for freeware tools. Thanks for the post, I’ll be checking these.


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Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 24 April 2013 09:15 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 2 ]

Hi Sara, nice to meet you smile
Are you a programmer, artist, researcher ?

What kind of tools you need… ( freeware )
Modelling, painting, 3d painting, texture tools, animations ( think to the motion capture ), books ecc

Free textures, nudes human models ( artistic photos ), free sounds effects

Do you know BitT…...

something else wink ?

I’m working on: ( currently I have to review the code, update, review, etc. ...)

I, ( if you like to know new people )


SuperSam, Sr. Member
Posted: 24 April 2013 09:56 PM   Total Posts: 102   [ # 3 ]

Hi Luca smile

Thanks for sharing, and keep up on AwayGameMaker wink

You’re probably in a good position to discuss this. Do you know the limitations that Stage3D and Away3D impose on the models we should use ?

For instance, if our model has more than 32 bones (38 without multipass material, I’d guess), its animations have fair chances to occur on the CPU. So we’ll be looking for at most 32 bones models when hunting for assets, which is rather low apparently as many seem to have 50+.

Are you aware of other limitations ?


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 25 April 2013 06:41 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 4 ]

Hi SuperSam smile...

Who impose this limit ?

Bones are simple line with constraint, right ? smile

Every line have a proper Matrix, this Matrix control a Group of vertex ( of the skin )...
I think this limit is gived by the standar of the file used to store the model data….

Where you have find your info ?

The only limitation i know is about the framerate cap, but this is not a really problem ( see standard NTSC, PAL fps ) because a game appear to be fluid if the frame rate are greater than 20 mmm - 22 frame per seconds, or not ?

Other limitation are about, because a 16 bit register can’t contains 17 bit smile,
the vertex buffer size.

The shader program are limited in size, i don’t remeber the max number of line, but this is not a really problem because…. wink But this is a limit !
... AGAL 2 ... ???

And the sound OK wink by using 2 sound channels that play the same “wave”, by this way i can control Left, Right ( stereo ) Front, Rear ( 4 channells )
5.1, 6.1, 7.1 but the pitch, echo, reverb ? DirectX audio support all this Direct sound, Direct musics ( only Direct Soun now ) but not OpenGL ?
Whe need a ported FLASCC, audio library like OpenAL for MAC ?

The texture image must be a power of 2 ( and 2048 * 2048 max in size ) bit, this is not a limit. This ensure that a Bitmap can be “correclty aligned”.

In Actionsript ( that for me are a very flexible lang ) i can’t control bit alignment and there are no Pointer, no Enumerations or Structure “but a Class are a Structure wink”, every function are called in the same way ( Pascal, Standard call, Fast call ).

The player are not like the Unity player… ???

I don’t know nothing about memory limit ( if there are ) imposed by Flash standard.

Away have a series of shader program that are the standard of every “game”, Reflections, Refractions, Shadow and so on…
But wath if i want implement my metod like this:
or Volumetric clouds or Decals or lightning ecc ecc ecc
See: Nvidia gpu gems 1 2 and 3 smile

I have adapted this code “in the past i have maked some games with Alternativa, sry wink ” but this need time because a shader program must be able to use all, “Matrix, View, Projection, World, Vertex buffer, Pixel buffer and so on and sometimes it’s hard know how this “data” can be accessed.

So another limitation is the docs, ok i’m an acker wink and i can use the Reverse Engineering thecnique to find wath i need, but this is not the case of who want make games… Ok now Away have 100 user but…

Soft body physics are not supported at all, for now ....

No support for external Script in Flex, JavaScript can be used only if the player are embedded in a web page, but ( trick ) .... i don’t know for now if is possilble communicate whit external program “Cheat Engine, OllyDbg ” smile Window handle, Createprocess, pipes, thread, sendmessage, ecc ecc ecc

Other limitations smile ok we are working for you smile, Sry SAM, i did not want to bore you smile


SuperSam, Sr. Member
Posted: 25 April 2013 09:00 PM   Total Posts: 102   [ # 5 ]

Heh you don’t bore me smile

Apparently, the limit on joints is due to the max amount of vertex constant registers that Stage3D allows, i.e. 128.
Each joint takes 3. 5 are required for the model’s transform matrix, and then some more are necessary depending on material passes.

To avoid problems Away3D transforms all vertices on the CPU when too many vertex constants are needed. It does so with SkeletonAnimator::testGPUCompatibility… and you can see other limitations in that function, such as a maximum of 4 joints attached to a single vertex.

Comments in SkeletonAnimator::useCondensedIndices advises to use 32 joints at most to make sure we’ll benefit from GPU speed boost.

I’m pretty sure there are other limitations and tricks to figure out when making models, so we can make them fully compliant and run Stage3D / Away3D as much on the GPU as possible.

I’m just trying to list them all clearly.


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 26 April 2013 05:42 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 6 ]

Hey Sam, txh for the god explanation. smile

Now have you considered a solution, if there are.
If i understand correctly the problem is relative to the shader program
and is limit…

Now what do you think about FlashCC or cicle through the buffer, by divide them in two or more pieces….

it is possible ?



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