, Sr. Member
For anyone interested, these two models have 35 bones. Other characters have more.
This one is cool and is the animal with the lowest amount, 40. Animation will fall back on the CPU but you don’t need 700 rhinos in your scene so it’s fine xD
Well it’s worth studying the topic. Don’t take my word for it and double check anything I say here, but I think this limitation is within Stage3D, so anything 3D running in Flash or Air will have that issue.
Meaning there could be demand for low-bones animations beyond the limits of this community.
Note that there are probably be other limitations on flash-compliant models, such as a maximum of 4 joints per vertex and an eventual max number of vertices, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to list them. It might be worth contacting the Away team and other Flash 3D engines. Please do post your results if you end up digging the topic, I would very much like to know too
Then you’d have to advertise how your models are super compliant with Stage3D limitations, unlike most of the other 3D resource websites (most users probably don’t know what kind of models work best; but if a site “brags” about it they might start turning down sites who do not)
FYI this thread attempts to explain the limitation on bone quantity.
And this post quickly lists the 3 limitations I talked about here