
Software: Away3D 4.x

Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 12 April 2013 08:32 AM   Total Posts: 230

Here you can find the source code of a multiplayer car racing game…
models, code and so on…

PS: hei, this is a demo wink

and the script needed to make a new ZONE and a new Room for all the players

This is the server ( this version support 50 players max ) smile

who of us have a static IP ? smile

challenge ?
YEAH this is i like CRYSIS or Call of duty if you add a ray smile


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 April 2013 01:20 PM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 1 ]

ok, sorry guys raspberry
I’ve made some changes to my code…

This is the game:

and all the code can be downloaded by using the link in the previous post

challenge? wink


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 April 2013 04:14 PM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 2 ]

The code works ... smile really smile

Actually my laptop are busy and the server ( SmartFox that run on it ) can be down. I’m not an ISP raspberry

But if you have a dedicated server publish your IP by writing in the address bar of your web browser

( this IP can vary depend on your router model for example can be )

and find your Public IP… open the right port and so on…

this is the SmartFox Server documentations

If you prefer other server like Electro Server i can’t give you the server script…


Sean72, Newbie
Posted: 16 April 2013 10:21 PM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 3 ]

Ok, forgive me but I’m not quite following you.  Do you want me to try this or meet you online and race?


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 April 2013 06:19 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 4 ]

Nice to meet you Sean72. The code is only a demo…
Thinks to Mario Kart smile

For who are interested to make a car racing game the code can be a good start point like a tutorial… ( whe have multiple choice, Bullets, Jglib, you physics engine, ecc )

For those who want to play in the company, a multiplayers game like this
can be a goo start point.
I remeber my first time i diced to make a racing game or my first 2d Game like this ( originally coded in c by using the directx 7 libraries, and ported to actionscript )

... at the beginning it is difficult…

Those of us who earn ? Now, the crisis is global, right ?
You can always improve it ?

Competition is scary, think to Need For Speed, How many people:
10 Make the software, 20 make the models, 4 make the music and so on…

The programming and testing are millet way to find bugs, i think, you agree ? Physics for Games/Car Physics for Games.html
and many, many Others wink

So because Away3d IS FREE, THX TO ALL THE AWAY TEAM, and ( ok if you want drink a beer and if you pay smile cheers smile ) ” if you are english I can take a plane and come to england ” wink

Anyway the pleasure is not only coding and enjoy the results smile, do you want make your multiplayers server, make some changes to the game, play with us, promote Away3D in a big challenge with hundreds of peole, play with us ? Organize you ?

NOW, IF I WANT, I CAN MAKE MY MODELS, MAKE MY SOFTWARE, MAKE MY SERVER AND THEN PLAY “and also to improve my English” !!! smile smile smile


Sean72, Newbie
Posted: 17 April 2013 06:36 AM   Total Posts: 28   [ # 5 ]

Hey Luca,

Nice to meet you too.  I think maybe I should come from America to Italy instead, and learn Italian!  smile

The crisis is global, we are all working hard to survive.  I’m not making games (yet!) but am displaying a complex machine and trying to animate it too.  Away3D is awesome!

Take care!


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 April 2013 07:07 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 6 ]

Nice ! smile


Luca, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 April 2013 08:11 AM   Total Posts: 230   [ # 7 ]

Two words in the most smile

this is me:
if you like to have new friends…

this is my site:
if you want to see…

this is THE SOFTWARE wink



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