Where’s that fantastic t-shirt?

Software: Away3D 4.x

wagster, Member
Posted: 28 July 2011 12:49 PM   Total Posts: 68

Can anyone remember where to find that amazing t-shirt demo?  You know, the one which deforms properly when you spin it and you can zoom right in to detail in the fabric?


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 29 July 2011 12:20 AM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 1 ]

zee mightyatom aka Pete Stromberg




wagster, Member
Posted: 29 July 2011 12:44 AM   Total Posts: 68   [ # 2 ]

That is truly awesome. How’d you get the mesh to deform like that?


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 29 July 2011 12:58 AM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 3 ]

nope - not my work. Just a fellow fan of his work. You should post that question on his blog


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 29 July 2011 08:14 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 4 ]

As the twist is pretty regular, I would suspect something like asmod twist modifier. The same can also be achieved with two states meshes (using their vertices) and simply add/interpolate their values for the one you do show. Anyhow, it surely looks good and add life to what would be otherwize a static rock like t-shirt.


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 29 July 2011 12:44 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 5 ]

Fabrice! Can’t a guy have any secrets??

Oh, alright, in the spirit of open sauciness and as a thanks for all the help I’ve received recently from this fab community, here’s the source.


In a rare twist, it’s ready to compile for Flash CS5, so for once it’s the Flex crowd that will have to fiddle to get it working wink It’s warts and all, so you will find the remains of other experiments, functions and variables in there.

As Fabrice said, it’s actually a twist modifier, controlled by the circular velocity. I started by making morph targets and interpolating, but that means loading several models. So I thought I’d make a twist modifier and create the morph targets client side.
It turned out that this engine is so freakin fast, that I didn’t even need to pre-calculate morph targets, every single vertex is calculated every single frame, and still my processor only registers 6%!

Enjoy, and let me know if you use it for something sexy, or want to hire the creator cheese

Cheers, have a cracking weekend



Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 29 July 2011 10:28 PM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 6 ]

oh hell yes. Pete do you mind if I give a try to a 3.6 adaptation to show David & Brennan? Probably won’t work well without 4.0 but I’m curious to see how it handles it.


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 30 July 2011 08:03 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 7 ]

Hi Choons, knock yourself out. I’d be amazed if it can move in 3.6


Choons, Sr. Member
Posted: 30 July 2011 08:10 AM   Total Posts: 281   [ # 8 ]

yeah me too, but I’ve been doing a whole of “knocking myself out” with 3.6 lately so might as well try something cool. Some day soon the sun will come up and it will be a 4.0 / FP11 world on every browser. Can’t wait


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 31 July 2011 01:53 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 9 ]


I just updated the downloadable.
First it didn’t compile correctly with a standard Away3D 4 library (I’ve fiddled a bit with mine), secondly the actual shirt model wasn’t mine to give away! red face
I made a quick mock-up of a “shirt-like object”, so you can check out how it works.




Concept Z, Sr. Member
Posted: 31 July 2011 02:03 PM   Total Posts: 124   [ # 10 ]



Anyone can cook but only the fearless can be great


july08, Newbie
Posted: 08 August 2011 10:23 AM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 11 ]

oh the t shirts are very nice and attractive.
I really want to have one
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