Md2 animation won’t show animation names that increment

Software: Prefab3D

paullaster, Newbie
Posted: 28 February 2013 03:51 AM   Total Posts: 20

Prefab has a animation display error when importing MD2 with animation names that increment. It confused with the frame number.

I have 3 different idle animations for a model

In the framelist it will look something like this.

idle_0-000 -> idle_0-088
idle_1-000 -> idle_1-120
idle_2-000 -> idle_3-052

Will always comes out as Idle_.

I tried a few different frame name deliminators and always get the same results

idle_0-000 = idle_
idle_0.000 = idle_
idle-0_000 = idle-
idle0000 = idle

it will always get start at the first number.  I tested it against the public old school MD2Viewer that is on the web.  And the animation combination of any type works.  It starts from the end of the string and finds the pattern.



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 28 February 2013 09:54 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

Regarding id’s, as Prefab is not just a player, some restrictions are made for instance because of AS3 exports to prevent to export classes that will never compile.
That having said, for animation state id’s, I’ll look at a way to be less restrictive. I you could provide me at fabrice3d at gmail dot com your md2+the exact names+suffix of your anims, I could take a look at this.

Out of curiosity: What is stopping you to use other names? I mean having 3 iddle states would be more easyer to manage if they were using realnames, such as “iddleStand, IddleAndLaugh, iddle” as they come in same order as when they are saved, even if you use indices to drive your code, a simple myAnims[index] would do exact same… I can’t imagine you will remember the diff between iddle_001 and iddle_002 in 3 months from now.



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