3ds max 2012 AWD2 Exporter

Software: Away3D 4.x

alle-gro, Newbie
Posted: 20 December 2012 01:24 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hello All,
Does anybody have a successful experience to create an animated character in away3d environment by using awd2 format?

Everything looks good while we are using the “onkba” example, but when we are trying to do our own model we run into many troubles.

1. The tutorial how to crate the 3ds animated model hides many tricks
Biped controls bones the the Biped is not supported by the library.

2. The only plugin which we can use for export models from 3ds max 2012
  I found is http://code.google.com/p/awd/downloads/list
  has the next limitations
  1. support only simple bones chains, the complex animation fails
  2. no weight can be used
After such export the awd2 model looks like as a spider in the away3d view. 

3. I found a suggestion here in forum that Prebab3D tool for converging can be used, but seems, Prefab3D can only understand md5 animation, no 3ds animation is supported.

Please share guys your experience. I haven’t seen any other examples with an awd2 animated hero anymore except the standard one.

Thanks in advance.


loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 20 December 2012 10:36 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 1 ]

hello alle-gro
look this i explaine full process for using biped

awd2 is a powerfull plugins begin by simple bone and add complex step by step the preview is great for that.

awd2 understand bone and LINK your model is like a spider because you dont link bone correctly. Think like a tree you have root and all other bones is link to another from bottom to top.

envelopp of max skin work great to, you can add various model with several envelopp setting to the same bone stucture.


alle-gro, Newbie
Posted: 21 December 2012 05:13 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 2 ]

Hi LoTh,
Thank you for the response. I’ll try this example and let you know the result.



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