I’m wondering what’s the state of graphics quality that Stage3D can pull off today.
Since this is a rather generic question let’s take an example: Journey.
1/ Can Away3D enable creating that kind of quality level with Flash ? I doubt it, so if the answer is no, which effects should be disabled in Journey to make it accessible to Stage3D engines ?
2/ I would hope that there would remain a line of sight large enough and a number of effects high enough that the overall feeling of the game is preserved. Is that credible ?
3/ The PS3 doesn’t have very impressive hardware but it does use Shader model 3.0 while Stage3D is stuck with 2.0.
What kind of hardware do you estimate could run the tuned down Journey described in reply to above questions ?
4/ BASELINE_CONSTRAINED is totally out of the question, I suppose ?
5/ If Away3D can’t succeed because it’s more of an all purpose 3D engine, could an in-house engine specialized in the tasks required to run Journey perform good enough ? Or is Stage3D just not powerful enough to run it on reasonable hardware requirements ?
Thanks for the reply, they are precious