Hi,Away3d team,
I was wondering whether if i can dynamically display the mesh wireframe and composite with the material on the surface using away4 .
Some thing like this:
var meshDebugWireframe:MeshDebugWireframe=Mesh.subMesh<i>.debugWireframe;
meshDebugWireframe.setWireframeStyle (new MeshWireframeStyle());
meshDebugWireframe.render = true; ?
So I can see:
Mesh.subMesh<i>.debugWireframe.diplayWireframe= true;
Mesh.subMesh<i>.debugWireframe.diplayNormals= true;
Mesh.subMesh<i>.debugWireframe.displayBounds = true;
Or i can achieve this by apply a WireframeMaterial to a Mesh/subMesh, and composite with the original Material?