[3.6] SpriteSessions

Software: Away3D 3.x

Tempy111, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 March 2016 10:54 PM   Total Posts: 133

Kinda back to the same topic..

If you add more then one Mesh to the Same SpriteSession, it’ll help greatly with the Z-sorting. However, the whole Sessions’s render freezes if you remove a mesh which is part of it. This not only includes removeing the Mesh but also changing the SpriteSession (for example, both scene.removeChild(Object) and Object.OwnSession = null);

If you had a Large Mesh which makes up a level, then adding items to that level on the same SpriteSession is a good idea for the Depth issue but a BAD idea for removing them. Adding the items in a child SpriteSession on the main one isn’t much different then being two different SpriteSessions, so it is kinda pointless for the depth issue..

Now the question part is simplely how to remove a single mesh FROM the SpriteSession which includes other Meshs, without the freeze?



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