Workaround: Changing the Diffuse Texture of a Skybox

Software: Away3D 4.x

Qbrain, Member
Posted: 17 March 2014 02:20 PM   Total Posts: 92

Hey Everyone,

I needed to change the diffuse texture of a SkyBox. Unfortunatly, as some of you would know, setting the material of a skybox or creating new skybox instances throws ‘unsupported’ errors.

I *sniffed* around in the Skybox codes and created a workaround so you can actually change the CubeTexture of your skybox at will, and I thought: why not share it? grin

Maybe it’s not the best solution, but it’s a working solution.

added 2 new functions in

public function get materialTexture():CubeTextureBase
return _material.cubeMap;
public function set materialTexture(value:CubeTextureBase):void
.cubeMap value;

example usage:

//embed all the textures, here only 1 for example purpouses.
private var EnvPosX : Class; //right

//in class skyboxes vars
private var isitday:int 1;
  private var 
cubeTexture:BitmapCubeTexture = new BitmapCubeTexture(Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosX), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegX), Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosY), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegY), Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosZ), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegZ));
  private var 
cubeTexturenight:BitmapCubeTexture = new BitmapCubeTexture(Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosXNight), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegXNight), Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosYNight), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegYNight), Cast.bitmapData(EnvPosZNight), Cast.bitmapData(EnvNegZNight));

private function changeSkyBox(day:int 1,init:int 0):void
if(init == 1){
if(day == 1){
= new SkyBox(cubeTexture);
= new SkyBox(cubeTexturenight);
if(day == 1){
.materialTexture cubeTexture;
isitday 1;
if(day == 0){
.materialTexture cubeTexturenight;
isitday 0;

initialize the skybox with changeSkyBox(0,1);

then create 2 buttons which calls changeSkyBox(1,0); and changeSkyBox(0,0);

Have fun with multiple skyboxes!





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