var mat:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xff0000);
mat.lights = [this._dayLight];
var cube:Cube = new Cube(mat);
above is my test code for MeshHelper.
MeshHelper.invertFaces() cause error.
var mat:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xff0000);
mat.lights = [this._dayLight];
var cube:Cube = new Cube(mat);
cube.scaleX = -1;
var copy:Mesh = cube.clone() as Mesh;
and this is test code for clone().
when cube is added to scene,
it appears face flipped.
but cloned mesh seems not applied ‘negative’ scale.
when scaleX is assigned to -0.5,
it seems applied to 0.5.
Faces are not flipped as ‘cube’ either texture.