Hi everyone,
I have a pretty basic code, rendering a wire frame. I setup one perspective camera looking at the grid. But when I’m changing the FOV of my camera to a high angle, some part of the grid are disappearing in the rendering stage.
I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not. I tried to go to the source code but as I’m pretty new with away3d, it didn’t help me much!
I attached some pictures to show the problem. For a FOV of 102 degrees, the grid is well displayed but for 103 and 160 some problem appear.
Here is also my code to setup the grid and the view3D
//setup the viewA
viewA = new View3D()
scene = new Scene3D();
cameraA = new Camera3D();
viewA.scene = scene;
viewA.camera = cameraA;
viewA.camera.name = "A";
viewA.camera.lens = new PerspectiveLens(160)
viewA.camera.z = 0 ;[
viewA.camera.x = 0 ;
viewA.camera.y = 5000;
viewA.camera.moveTo( new Vector3D());
grid = new WireframePlane(1000, 1000, 10, 10, 0xFFFFFF, 1, "xz")
Thanks for your help!