Help on controlling a simple sequence animation

Software: Away3D 4.x

ayman, Newbie
Posted: 17 July 2013 08:14 AM   Total Posts: 5

Thanks for the great framework, Away3D team!

We’re still getting started with it. We want to control a model animation (imported from 3DS Max), and have followed the tutorial here:

We have made the sequence especially like the tutorial mentioned. The only difference is that in our animation we do not have a skeleton. The tutorial example files show how this is applied on the skeleton resource.

Can anybody help, or show me a tutorial, on how to control a very simple animation (say to rotate a cube), where that animation is created and sequences in 3DS Max? I’d appreciate it.

Thank you


ayman, Newbie
Posted: 20 July 2013 12:00 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 1 ]

Any help anyone? Im sure this is a very simple question for many people



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