I’m new to away3D and I already have an issue!
Here is my problem:
I have an animated character and I export him to .awd, then I open the file with away builder but at the scene objects tab it only shows me the character mesh and no bone! Also the mesh has 3 animations which are shown at the animations tab three times each!
I followed this tutorial, http://away3d.com/tutorials/3DS_Max_Workflow , until the export and I opened the file with away builder and was ok!
Here is exactly the workflow I used:
I animated the character with CAT Bones, then I exported him to .fbx so the bones be converted to simple bones, then I merged the .fbx file into a new scene(3dsMax) without the option to change the bones to dummies, then I just exported it as a .awd file! and then I had the issue I mentioned before!
Any help or any idea?