I created a “Tile()” containing multiple messes in Prefab3D, exported for Away3D. It extends ASBase() which extends ObjectContainer3D() in a predictable Prefab3D manner. I also exported a “PrefabProject.as” from which I’m expanding upon below.
How do I trigger a mouse over event for my new Tile() object? I’ve tried the following based on this tutorial for meshes (no errors but no results either, perhaps because it’s not a mesh!):
private function initContent():void
_prefabOutput = new Tile();
_prefabOutput.mouseEnabled = true;
_prefabOutput.addEventListener( MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_OVER, onTileMouseOver );
//new function
private function onTileMouseOver( event:MouseEvent3D ):void {
trace('hi'); //sadly, no trace "hi"
event.target.onMouseOver(); //no trace "hi", so no do cool new things here
Looking at the documentation, I see that an ObjectContainer3D() does have a “mouseOver3d” event, but getting it to click in my brain isn’t happening at the moment.
Any thoughts on how to proceed? I truly appreciate the assistance in advance!
Best regards,