I’m new to Away3D, so I don’t know if this is a bug, but it looks like it is:
//mouse event will not fire
view3D.camera.z = -10000;
view3D.camera.y = 5000;
view3D.camera.lens.far = 50000;
view3D.camera.lookAt(new Vector3D());
//mouse event will fire
//view3D.camera.z = -1000;
//view3D.camera.y = 1000;
var plane:Mesh = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(10000, 10000), new ColorMaterial());
plane.mouseEnabled = true;
plane.addEventListener(MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp2);
plane.y = -200;
function onMouseUp2(event:MouseEvent3D):void
If the camera is too far away the mouse detection fails.