Trying to not have to use PB mouse picking and just use the default bounds picking.
mainSphere.pickingCollider = PickingColliderType.BOUNDS_ONLY
I have a small sphere located on a larger sphere, both mouse enabled.
As the default bounds seems to be a box I cant click the smaller sphere.
So Im trying to change it to a sphere.
mainSphere.bounds = new BoundingSphere();
minorSphere.bounds = new BoundingSphere();
Also tried
var boundingSphere:BoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere();
boundingSphere.fromSphere(new Vector3D(), 200);
But the radius of the showbounds is not the same as the radius of the sphere.
It keeps using from extremes.
Only way I have got it to work is to set
_radius = d/2
In the fromExtremes function in BoundingSphere
So erm what am I missing or is it a bug?
pic just shows both type of bounds