Figure of a human

Software: Away3D 4.x

Spontan231, Jr. Member
Posted: 28 October 2012 10:00 AM   Total Posts: 37   [ # 46 ]

I also find this example code:

  // get our model and the skin modifier associated to it.
  var mesh:Mesh3D = model.getChildByName(“Line01”) as Mesh3D;
  var skin:SkinModifier = mesh.modifier as SkinModifier;

  // get the bone and prevents to be animated.
  head = skin.root.getChildByName( “CATRigHub02” );
  head.frames = null;

Is there in Away3d skin modifier? If not how can we connect skin and bone?


Spontan231, Jr. Member
Posted: 29 October 2012 04:07 PM   Total Posts: 37   [ # 47 ]

This is my code for now, but I don’t know how can I use subclass similar to SkeletonClipNode in this function.

  private function onAssetComplete(event:AssetEvent):void {
  if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.MESH) {

  //grab mesh object and assign our material object
  mesh = event.asset as Mesh;
  mesh.castsShadows = true;
  mesh.z = 200;
  mesh.rotationY = -180;
  //add our lookat object to the mesh
  } else if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.SKELETON) {
  skeleton = event.asset as Skeleton;
  animationSet = new SkeletonAnimationSet();
  animator = new SkeletonAnimator(animationSet, skeleton, false);

  }    else if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.ANIMATION_STATE) {
  var state:SkeletonAnimationState = event.asset as SkeletonAnimationState;
  animationSet.addState(event.asset.assetNamespace, state);
  state.addEventListener(AnimationStateEvent.PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, onPlaybackComplete);
  private function onPlaybackComplete(event:AnimationStateEvent):void
  {, stateTransition);


abbylee, Newbie
Posted: 13 January 2015 09:12 AM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 48 ]
Richard Olsson - 25 July 2012 09:45 PM

Have a look at this tutorial:

If you’re using Maya instead of 3ds Max the workflow is still essentially the same. If you are using any other editor, try Collada export instead, and optionally convert to AWD2 through Prefab (next release, which should be soon.)

This site is not existing, any substitutes?
I hope to find some reference resources for generating data matrix 3d.


rdoi, Member
Posted: 26 January 2015 05:45 PM   Total Posts: 86   [ # 49 ]
abbylee - 13 January 2015 09:12 AM

This site is not existing, any substitutes?
I hope to find some reference resources for generating data matrix 3d.

The mentioned tutorial moved here:

... and you probably will need this:



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