Loading Wavefront Obj files in Firefox

Software: Away3D 4.x

John Wilson, Member
Posted: 01 February 2012 07:15 PM   Total Posts: 62


I have a wierd problem with uploading WaveFront OBJ files into an Away3D 4.0 application when using the latest version of Firefox.  Everything is fine in IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari (but very slowly in Safari). The problem seems to occur when the WaveFront OBJ file tries to load its associated image file. Firefox does load an XML file, so it’s not failing on all external files.

I’d include a link to the application, but when I try the form says it thinks I’m trying to post spam (sigh).

If anyone knows how to solve the problem, please let me know.


John Wilson


C., Newbie
Posted: 02 February 2012 08:38 AM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 1 ]

I think, I´ve got the same issue with some 3ds- files. Everything seems to be fine in IE and Chrome but in Firefox the application crashes.

Firebug Flash output says:

at ominds.mouseinspect::MouseInspector/onTmd3dModuleLoaded()
at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Transform3DController ist nicht definiert. (Var Transform3DController not defined)
Error #2044: IOErrorEvent unverarbeitet. text=Error #2124: Die geladene Datei weist einen unbekannten Typ auf.
(IOErrorEvent not catched. Loaded File has got unknown Filetype )
Warnung: Kein bekannter Player-Download-Typ,
listeners complete
initobjects complete
initengine complete

Debug Console of Flash only prompts:
Error #2044: IOErrorEvent unverarbeitet. text=Error #2124: Die geladene Datei weist einen unbekannten Typ auf.
(Unknown filetype)

Best regards,

Edit: In my case the problem was in the model. It referres to a texture at mydomain/3ds.textures\image_01.png

So I guess the backslash makes it crash. Maybe IE and Chrome are able to handle them and firefox cant.

Does anyone know where exactly I can catch the dependency-urls in the process of loading a model?

Edit 2:

_req.url _req.url.replace(/\\/g"/"); 

in SingleFileLoader.as Line 98, 150 did it for me.

Best regards,



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