Question about license

Software: Away3D 4.x

Jin, Newbie
Posted: 13 December 2011 11:50 AM   Total Posts: 3

Away3D uses the Apache license but I don’t quite get some parts of it.

Am I allowed to make games using this engine and profit from them?


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 13 December 2011 02:05 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

yes, and to spare you to read the licence more deeply, it says:
you are allowed to make loads of money with it BUT would be cool not to forget hit the Away donation btn if so smile



GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 29 March 2012 12:55 PM   Total Posts: 33   [ # 2 ]
Fabrice Closier - 13 December 2011 02:05 PM

yes, and to spare you to read the licence more deeply, it says:
you are allowed to make loads of money with it BUT would be cool not to forget hit the Away donation btn if so smile

I’m interested in using Away3D for the creation of commercial products too.

So, you can confirm that all what I have to do is just a free donation and a mention to Away3D?

Just an example:

1. I’ll use Away3D to make a Serious Game for a client of mine.
2. He will pay me for the end product (standalone) that I’ve created.
3. I’ll make a free donation to away3D (for sure at least 3% of the project budget).

And all will be ok and legal?

What should I deliver together with the end product to make it legal distributable? Apache License 2.0 file? If so, will my customers have the rights to get not only the standalone but the source code too? Link to Away3D name/homepage? Have I to share the code of the project that I’ve created using Away3D to everybody is asking for it? What about the license for using the Air 3.2 sdk, As3 & Flashdevelop?

Thank you wink




Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 29 March 2012 01:22 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 3 ]

You can do all you want, expect you cannot say you own/made Away3D to your client.

As you may probably know by now, if your app is a webapp, and if you make more than 50k per year on this project after 1 august 2012, you will have to pay 9% to Adobe for all you make above 50k minus tax.
Because Away3D rely on the HW accelerated Stage3D API. You’ll also have to publish with a Adobe dev licence.



laurent, Newbie
Posted: 29 March 2012 01:28 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 4 ]

My understanding of the Adobe new license:
Regarding the 9%, I think you will only pay it if you use Stage3D and alchemy opcode.

It means that you don’t need to pay anything to Adobe if you use Away3D which doesn’t rely on these opcodes.

However if you use Away Physics, you will need to.



Vice, Member
Posted: 29 March 2012 01:29 PM   Total Posts: 58   [ # 5 ]


away3D use also “ApplicationDomain.domainMemory”?



GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 29 March 2012 01:56 PM   Total Posts: 33   [ # 6 ]
Fabrice Closier - 29 March 2012 01:22 PM

You can do all you want, expect you cannot say you own/made Away3D to your client.

As you may probably know by now, if your app is a webapp, and if you make more than 50k per year on this project after 1 august 2012, you will have to pay 9% to Adobe for all you make above 50k minus tax.
Because Away3D rely on the HW accelerated Stage3D API. You’ll also have to publish with a Adobe dev licence.

Thank you for your reply smile
- With webapp you mean a website and/or a online game/application?
- 50k per year on this project only or on all project within the year?
- What about the projects closed before 1. August 2012?
- Adobe dev licence for Stage3D?

I’ve missed this new fee process. Can you please send me the link about the 50k/year and the obligation of publishing with an Adobe dev license?

Thank you so much!



laurent, Newbie
Posted: 29 March 2012 02:00 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 7 ]

I don’t manage to write the link because of the spam detector. Look for “FAQs for Flash Player premium features for gaming” on google. There is a page on Adobe website explaining what needs to be licensed.



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 29 March 2012 02:59 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 8 ]

Away3D uses Stage3D
Away3D physics uses Alchemy 1.0 and probably soon A2.0

Both are subject to the new Adobe licence. if you publish without a licence, Stage3D will be desabled after august 1, rendering would then fall back to software only.



laurent, Newbie
Posted: 29 March 2012 03:18 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 9 ]

Both are subject to the new Adobe licence. if you publish without a licence, Stage3D will be desabled after august 1, rendering would then fall back to software only.

I don’t understand. According to Adobe FAQ link I gave above only the combination of Stage3d and Domain Memory is subject to a license. Stage3D with hardware acceleration only is not.
Is my understanding of this article wrong?




Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 29 March 2012 03:45 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 10 ]

Sorry my reply was confusing:

As Adobe presented it:

The following uses are NOT considered premium and there is no revenue share required for these uses:

Use of domain memory alone,
Use of hardware accelerated Stage3D features alone,
Use of software rendering of Stage3D, or
Use of these features within Flash content packaged as apps using AIR



John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 29 March 2012 03:55 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 11 ]

Use the standalone player.

If you use both opcodes and stage3d you will get a watermark.
This uses both away and away physics.
Away on its own will not show the mark

Browser players also dont show it.



Vice, Member
Posted: 29 March 2012 05:34 PM   Total Posts: 58   [ # 12 ]


from offical adobe site:

“Games and applications using either hardware accelerated Stage3D or domain memory individually do NOT require a premium features license. For example, Flash game developers can independently leverage high-performance Stage3D hardware acceleration in Flash Player – which delivers full GPU-accelerated experiences to more users than any other web technology – at no charge.”

is it right that only projects that using both api’s need to pay fees?



GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 29 March 2012 08:53 PM   Total Posts: 33   [ # 13 ]
Vice - 29 March 2012 05:34 PM


from offical adobe site:

“Games and applications using either hardware accelerated Stage3D or domain memory individually do NOT require a premium features license. For example, Flash game developers can independently leverage high-performance Stage3D hardware acceleration in Flash Player – which delivers full GPU-accelerated experiences to more users than any other web technology – at no charge.”

is it right that only projects that using both api’s need to pay fees?

From the official Adobe page (

Developer usage

Premium features licensing will only be needed when both of the following APIs are used in the same application run in Flash Player:

  ApplicationDomain.domainMemory, which provides access to domain memory
  Stage3D.request3DContext, if using hardware acceleration

Starting with Flash Player 11.2, developers will see a notification watermark in the debug version of Flash Player if their content uses both of these APIs, informing them that they will need to obtain a license. Until the premium features licensing terms go into effect August 1 2012, no associated restrictions are enforced in release versions of Flash Player.

When the premium features licensing terms go into effect, unlicensed content will continue to run but will no longer have access to the premium features tier: unlicensed content will automatically use software rendering rather than hardware accelerated Stage3D in release versions of Flash Player. Developers/publishers will be able to obtain a license to enable premium features (hardware accelerated Stage3D rendering with domain memory) in release versions of Flash Player.

These premium features are available without any fee for content packaged with Adobe AIR (i.e., content packaged as apps for iOS, Android, Windows, or Mac).



GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 31 March 2012 11:33 PM   Total Posts: 33   [ # 14 ]

Somebody here is going mad:



Rayen123, Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 10:11 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 15 ]

so if I create a game with Away3D and I will sell it on android market for example, I must write in this game that was been created by Away3D ? Is it condition ? Thx




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