This forum section is intended for all discussions that relate to bugs, but is not intended as a way to report and track bugs. To properly report a bug, please follow the instructions below to add it to the GitHub issue tracker. Discussions that belong in this forum can for example be “Is this a bug?” or “I have just reported an issue and am wondering when it will be dealt with”.
To report a bug using the GitHub issue tracker, browse to and select the relevant module (e.g. away3d-core-broomstick.) Then click the issues tab at the top and click the “new issue” on the right hand side.
At this point you will be asked to log into GitHub if you aren’t already authenticated. A GitHub account is required to file bugs, and we kindly ask that you don’t get scared off by this, but register (it’s free) so that you can help us by reporting the issue.
Once you reach the bug report form, fill in a descriptive title and then describe the issue as thoroughly as you can, formatting the text if you fancy using “GitHub flavored markdown” (instructions for which can be found via a link in the bug report form.)
Once you’ve reported an issue, an Away3D team member will assign it to the appropriate developer, or leave a comment if there are any uncertainties regarding the bug that you need to clarify.
Thanks for considering helping out by filing bugs. If you have any questions about how to file bugs, ask them here!