Building 3D room guidelines

Software: Away3D 3.x

Panel, Newbie
Posted: 01 February 2012 07:57 AM   Total Posts: 1


I am new to away and 3D stuff so I’ll need your help. I want to create 3D room with ability to move inside room.

I’ll be grateful for guidelines, but first let’s split the issue:
1. Creating room (let’s say simple square room with floor and roof)
What is he best way to create room?Do I use some tool to do it or just code?

2. How to apply textures to the floor?

3. How to implement moving around? Just move camera when proper key is hold and mouse is moved?

4. What is a best approach for collision detection, so I can’t go through the wall?

I’ll be grateful for hints, guidelines, tutorials smile


ganesh, Member
Posted: 07 June 2013 12:57 PM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 1 ]


Me also trying to do the same thing.

Now, I can create a 3d room, not just a cube, it is a complete 3d house with many room. Put a camera inside it and then can move the camera to front, back, look at up/down/left/right, with the help of a camera controller.

But I am only facing problem (I havn’t learnt it yet) to keep camera bound to room only. Now, I can get out of the entire room that I dont want.

Also I am facing problem in proper texturing and uv setting.

Okay the steps are create 3d model in sketchup, its free and fast, It is easier than paint. then export as .3ds from their and directly import to your away project. You can open sample file Bais_load, and replace ant model and texture with your model and texture, camera is already there.

Just use a camera controller to move the camera.
Hope it will give you some idea

Updates : you can use this link 3d room
though this is from older version, but you (me too) can get idea from this


Dlate, Newbie
Posted: 07 June 2013 03:42 PM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 2 ]

If you want to work more visually id recommend using the Sea3d application. It allows you to export 3dsmax scenes to Away3d. So you can build the room in 3dsmax then export it to away3d.


Pierce, Jr. Member
Posted: 07 June 2013 05:01 PM   Total Posts: 40   [ # 3 ]

The simplest and most straightforward method, which allows for complete creative control with no code, would be to use a 3d program such as Blender to create your room and uv texture maps, then create textures based on the maps in an image editing program. Exported .obj files of the geometry will have the uv mapping saved into it, so that you simply have to import the .obj file into away3d and add texture materials to the resulting meshes using the image files for your textures. If it suits you to, you can do this in the new Away Builder tool and save the whole scene into awd format from there, as to reduce the number of assets used in your actual project and simplify the coding process. As for the collision detection, you will have to use an additional framework for physics. Browsing the example demos of AwayPhysics will show you how to implement the physics engine in your scene, then you can attach invisible geometry to your camera and set it to collide with the room meshes. Hope this clears things up, but further detail can be provided if needed. Good Luck!


ganesh, Member
Posted: 13 June 2013 03:31 AM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 4 ]

Importing 3d object/room to away3d has become very easy now.
I am using sketchup for modeling and export them as .3ds file. Now I know what setting to choose while exporting, Then import the .3ds file in prefab and export is as awd2 version. In this way it does not require additional image files.
At present I am not using away builder, because some files which cause error in awaybuilder works perfectly in prefab3d.

Now, only problem I am facing is in collision detection. In my 3d room I have walls, doors. I can create ground and a box shape and then the box does not fall from ground and I can move all around. now for each 4 walls I have to create again a ground shape, ground mesh and ground rigid body, then place them properly inside the room aligned with wall to detect collision. I think the 3d room itself should behave as a collider/static object. Is it possible to set the whole room as a static object so that I dont need to creat every shape for each element of the room.



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