Novice question- interactive 3d globe(earth) with ‘spokes’ for hotspots

Software: Away3D 4.x

eco_bach, Jr. Member
Posted: 30 May 2013 04:47 PM   Total Posts: 35

Really need some starting points in building a 3d globe simulation. The globe needs to be spinnable with inertia and also have interactive ‘spokes’ that radiate out from certain hotspots and serve as buttons.

As a starting point, can someone either sketch out some basic code or point me to a basic demo with a spinnable sphere?

For the mapping of the sphere to simulate earth, are there any good resources online?

Thanks in advance!


Pokey, Newbie
Posted: 31 May 2013 05:24 PM   Total Posts: 23   [ # 1 ]

You could start here:



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