I’m having troubles syncing my projects units in away3d with prefab3d units. In my away3d project I am working in meters and in prefab3d I would also like to use meters as my units, but when I try to import a model it always says it’s too small and wants me to scale it.
If I don’t scale it in Prefab3d it is hard to work with (look at attached image). Things get in the way (large gray ball) and it’s hard to see the x/y/z lines.
Right now the only solution I can think of is to let Prefab3D scale it up some amount and then when I load it in my Away3D project I would scale it back down.
Are there any other options I’m missing as I’m new to both Away3D and Prefab3D.
A feature that would be really handy would to be able to scale back down on export. Or somehow let me use a smaller unit size in Prefab3D and just have those grid lines, axis lines and that gray ball scale down in size as well.