Flat bitmap background

Software: Away3D 4.x

Embalmer, Newbie
Posted: 02 January 2013 10:19 AM   Total Posts: 6

Hello everyone,

I begin with Away 3D 4.1 alpha for a flex project but I’m already stucked .
I need to draw 3d shapes over a simple bitmap (wich is a HD render of a building but it doesn’t really matter). This bitmap needs to be flat and fit to the camera size regardless the camera angle and position.
I first thought that I could render my view over a bitmap (a mx:Image component) but it seems that the view must have a visible background so I followed that tutorial : http://jansensan.net/how-to-fully-fit-away3d-plane-in-viewport which I try to adapt to Away 3D 4.1 but I failed, I can see the plane with its texture but the rotation isn’t good.

I created a simple class to include my background :

 import flash
import away3d.containers.View3D;
import away3d.entities.Mesh;
import away3d.materials.TextureMaterial;
import away3d.primitives.PlaneGeometry;
import away3d.textures.BitmapTexture;
import net.jansensan.utils.degreesToRadians;

 public class 
private var _view3D:View3D;
  private var 
  private var 
  public function 
texture:BitmapTexture = new BitmapTexture(bitmap.bitmapData);
_material = new TextureMaterial(texture);
_material.mipmap = (pWidth == pHeight);
// camera values
   // see away3d.camerasCamera3D's default lens' field of view 
   // in away3d.cameras.lenses.PerspectiveLens
   // it turns out that the field of view is vertical
var angleY:Number 60;
cameraZ:int _view3D.camera.z;
// this position is arbitrary as we will see further
   // useful to calculate the distance between the camera and the plane
var planeZ:int 500;
distFromCamToPlane:Number Math.abs(cameraZ) + planeZ;
// since the field of view is a vertical angle, calculate the height of the plane first
   // use pythagorean theorem to calculate
   // tip for trigonometry: soh-cah-toa
   // toa: tan(angle) = oppositeSide / adjacentSide
var planeHeight:int Math.tan(degreesToRadians(angleY 0.5)) * distFromCamToPlane;
// and since it was for a rectangle triangle, thus half the size, double the length
planeHeight *= 2;
// useful for resizing the image
var aspectRatio:Number pWidth pHeight;
// use the aspect ratio to calulcate the width of the plane
var planeWidth:int planeHeight aspectRatio;
geo:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(planeWidthplaneHeight);
geo.yUp false;
// create the plane
_plane = new Mesh(geo_material);
// add 3D objects to the scene
// add the away3d view to the display list

If someone could explain me my mistake(s), or explain me a better way to proceed.



_kihu, Jr. Member
Posted: 04 January 2013 01:00 PM   Total Posts: 43   [ # 1 ]

Take a look at this:

Perhaps View3D.backgroud property could also do the trick, but I think making the background in Starling is the best idea here.


Embalmer, Newbie
Posted: 04 January 2013 01:20 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 2 ]

Hello _kihu,
You’re right using Starling seems to be much easier, even if it’s also a heavy solution for a simple background smile.


‹‹ UV splice on sphere.


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