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Keywords: kaspar
Total Results: 4
Away3D with starling - smaller viewport for Away3D?
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Posted: 03-15-2013 09:01 AM   Author: JackTower   Forum: Away3D Support

Away3D 4.0 and Starling Interoperation - stage resize
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Posted: 01-30-2013 01:27 PM   Author: digitaloranges   Forum: Away3D Support

Loading multiple embedded models - AssetLibrary replaces previous textures.
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Total posts 11 Total views 4372

Posted: 10-26-2012 12:16 PM   Author: kaspar   Forum: Away3D Support

Best way to get Autodesk 3ds Max models into Away3D?
Total posts 12 Total views 3989

Posted: 08-24-2012 10:28 AM   Author: Jean Carlo Deconto   Forum: Away3D Support



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