No output Molehill IE FP11.0 (works fine in Fire Fox)

Software: Away3D 4.x

B. Jalowitz, Newbie
Posted: 05 October 2011 06:41 PM   Total Posts: 11

I get a blank screen in IE 8 and in the standalone content debug evoked in Flash Develop complied with the following. (note:runs fine in FF)

Flash develop 4
Full Release FP11.0
SDK 4.5.1, 2.6

I am working with the simple test

The standalone in FLash develop status says DRIV: na (no view) and in ie and FF it says Directx )

I had the same issue with the previous RC (FF also worked) and it persisted after complete update of all items.


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 05 October 2011 08:50 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 1 ]

Same DRIVER (no view) on Android tablet (Samsung Galaxy 10.1) running Flash 11 player


greghudd, Newbie
Posted: 13 December 2011 09:35 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 2 ]

Ditto on htc flyer with latest flash / air installed.  n - No view msg on page (page just fine on pc desktop and mac laptop). //gh



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