MouseEvent3D on arbitrary 3D objects? and Materials for each side of a cube?

Software: Away3D 4.x

s0235499, Newbie
Posted: 04 October 2011 04:40 AM   Total Posts: 1

I am new to Away 3D, switched from Pv3D. Before my question, thank you in advanced for reading my post and hopefully helping me to solve this issue.  smile

Question 1: It is about the mouse click events on 3D objects. I have read the InteractionTest example and following the example I am able to add event listener to a plane.

Now I am curious about how to add mouse events to other 3D primitive objects such as cubes and those are extruded? I have tried to add event listener to a cube in the same way that I have done with a plane. But it didn’t work.

Question 2: The Cube class seems only take a single MaterialBase and apply it to all 6 surfaces. Is it possible in Away3D to set the 6 surfaces of a cube to use different materials?

Many thanks again.



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