Vertexanimator, shape/morph animation and collada

Software: Away3D 3.x

bakajin, Newbie
Posted: 30 September 2011 03:37 PM   Total Posts: 24

I have a collada file (from softimage) with shape/morph animation.
I’ve been tinkering with the parser a little trying to load it up.

So far i’ve managed to loop through the geometry list in the “morph” controller node from the collada and add the vertices (using vector3D) into an object and subsequently adding that to a VertexAnimator using addFrame.

However i seem to be running into trouble trying to access either the VertexAnimator or the shapeFrame array from my referencing class, to be able to play the frames.

Anyone who can maybe shine some light as how to achieve this easily?

I guess all i am asking is how to expose the vertexanimator or shapeframe array in the referring class…

(again excuse the n00bism, i’m not only a n00b but also a coding designer wink)



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