Rendering on a flipped flash.display.Sprite

Software: Away3D 3.x

sketch34, Newbie
Posted: 29 September 2011 06:08 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hey guys, new guy here, new to AS and to Away3D, but I am an experienced graphics programmer. Awesome engine, I look forward to learning it more…

I have a View3d as a child of a Sprite in the normal way. Everything works perfectly until I try this:

  mySprite.scaleX = -1;
  mySprite.x += mySprite.canvasWidth;

A standard flip about the y-axis, at which point the Away3D scene disappears. I have video running on the Sprite, which gets flipped as expected. How is the Away3D scene’s transform affected by the Sprite’s transform? I’m guessing there is some kind of backface or trivial occlusion culling going on.

Alternatively, what is the best way to flip the whole Away3D scene about the y (up) axis? I tried myView3d.rotationY = 180, but this also caused the scene to dissapear. I’m about to try deconstructing the view matrix but thought I’d ask if there is a simpler way.



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