2 quetions - bitmapMaterial and radius vs movie width

Software: Away3D 3.x

oron, Newbie
Posted: 25 September 2011 11:27 AM   Total Posts: 5

So for the first q:
1- I have a blank segment that I want to fill with bitmap and so I want across the help doc and what I saw was bitmapMaterial.

is there a tutorial hoe to use it properly?

my code that i tried is as follow:
var bm:BitmapMaterial = new BitmapMaterial( “path_to_Image”);
bm.smoot = true;

and I understand that I need to put it in plane so:
var p:Plane = new Plane({material: cm, width:“plane width”, height:“plane height”, segmentsW:segmentWidth,segmentsH: segmentHeight});

and finaly to do:


dosnt work for me.

secound q:
to get the best rezolution or the best view from my movie I need to know the movie width andcalculate the right radius and I wanted to know how to do It.



oron, Newbie
Posted: 26 September 2011 02:00 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 1 ]

its me again still no luck.

when i do :
var rawSticker:Bitmap = new Bitmap((“path to bmp” as Bitmap).bitmapData.clone());

it return me null why is that?
how can i put a bmp?
are there only some type of img that i can use like only jpg or png?


my goal in this project of mine is.. i use a camera and when i create 3d i have a black sopt and i want to cover it with my logo.
it shouldnt be hard to do but still i am missing a step or two/
any idea?



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