Using Dynamic Image(s) as a Texture for an Object

Software: Away3D 3.x

Agilis, Newbie
Posted: 23 September 2011 08:07 PM   Total Posts: 18

I’m briefly experimenting with Away3D 3.6 and I’m wondering if it’s possible to have an image, that is fetched from a website, serve as the texture of an object.

What if you had a web service return a group of images and you wanted to put the specific group of images onto the sides of a cube? Could this be done?


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 23 September 2011 10:01 PM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 1 ]

Yes that can be done, you’d have to manage the image I/O yourself tho. Away3D 3.x can apply bitmap data’s as textures on geometries and it can apply separate images to the sides of a cube. Check out the examples and give it a try!


Agilis, Newbie
Posted: 23 September 2011 10:03 PM   Total Posts: 18   [ # 2 ]

Thanks Alejandro… could you perhaps link me to the example you are referring to that demonstrates this ability?


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 23 September 2011 10:22 PM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 3 ]

I can’t remember which one, or if there is a specifc example about this, have a look yourself:

Otherwise you just need to create a cube, a cube materials data with the materials you want (bitmap materials I guess) and pass it to the cube with its cubeMaterials setter.



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