Wireframe and “RangeError: Error #3610: Stream 1 vertex offset is out of bounds”

Software: Away3D 4.x

rgbox, Newbie
Posted: 22 September 2011 09:33 AM   Total Posts: 12

Two questions:
I need a material that will be both white phong and black wireframe on it. Is it possible?

Another problem I get the error for wireframe material:
“RangeError: Error #3610: Stream 1 vertex offset is out of bounds”
Does anybody know how it can be fixed?


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 22 September 2011 09:23 PM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 1 ]

Hey rgbox,

What you want is a solid wireframe and this is currently not possible in Away3D 4.x. This is being considered as a feature request. Reasons for this discussed here: http://away3d.com/forum/viewthread/779/

Not offering a wireframe material (or a solid wireframe material per se), we do offer wireframe primitives, which are just primitives constructed from line segment entities. They have nothing to do with the regular primitives and cannot have materials applied to them.

Regarding your second question, I’m confused, you say you used a wireframe material when we don’t have one as I just explained. What is it exactly that you’re doing?


rgbox, Newbie
Posted: 23 September 2011 02:50 PM   Total Posts: 12   [ # 2 ]

Sorry, SegmentMaterial (not WirefameMaterial) gives “RangeError: Error #3610….”


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 23 September 2011 04:21 PM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 3 ]

Sorry, can you show a bit of code, can’t really test from what you are giving us…


salvador, Newbie
Posted: 05 December 2011 12:39 AM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 4 ]


Make sure the amount of data you use, per vertex (x), is properly set in your
vertexBuffer3d:VertexBuffer3D = context3D.createVertexBuffer(this.meshVertexData.length/x, x);

it is easy to miss if you copy paste chunks of code while you make your way around stage3d

Let me know if this did not solve the issue.




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