Export envmap from blender - ends up bigger that actual reflected items?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 September 2011 08:10 PM   Total Posts: 344

Hard to explain but if you look at:


and click and drag to look to your left, and then press ‘s’ to move backwards

(WASD controls)

you should see a glass window, which has an envmap which I generated from blender, from a cube placed pretty much in the middle of the room.

Now obviously the reflection should be slightly off because the glass plane is not in exactly the same spot, but even if I put the plane right there, the reflection is off…

I would expect that when looking at it straight on, that the wooden counter should be reflected as you’d expect.

Am I doing something wrong, or overestimating what is possible to do with the envmap?

I did wonder if it was maybe to do with having different camera settings in Blender and Away3d…



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