Loader3D has no children after LoaderEvent.RESOURCE_COMPLETE

Software: Away3D 4.x

ddddesigns, Jr. Member
Posted: 14 September 2011 07:09 PM   Total Posts: 37

I can load a complex .OBJ object without problems.  Once I load a simple .OBJ file, my loader has no children.  Anyone else having this issue?

public function placeWalls():void {
('FUNCTION: placeWalls() fired');
ALoader = new Loader3D();
ALoader.parseData(MapBorderOBJDatanull, new AssetLoaderContext(false));
ALoader.scaleX 1;
ALoader.scaleY 1;
ALoader.scaleZ 1;
//   AMaterial = ANormal;

private function onResourceComplete(event LoaderEvent) : void {
('FUNCTION onResourceComplete() fired');
AMaterial ANormal;
mesh Mesh;
trace('ALoader has ' ALoader.numChildren.toString() + ' children');
   for (var 
int 0ALoader.numChildren; ++i{
mesh Mesh(ALoader.getChildAt(i));
mesh.material AMaterial;
('FUNCTION onResourceAComplete() completed');

ddddesigns, Jr. Member
Posted: 14 September 2011 07:34 PM   Total Posts: 37   [ # 1 ]

If anyone else has this problem, here is what I did.

I imported an OBJ that works into my model model that was failing (a building) in 3DS Max.  In my case the working model was a model of a soldier.  Then I removed most of the polygons from the soldier model and was left with only a hand.  I stuck the hand inside a wall of my building so that it will never be seen and exported my model with the hand as an OBJ.  It loads!

I realize that it is quite a hack but I still can’t find the cause.  This will work for now until the cause is fixed.  I hope this helps.


liuyi, Member
Posted: 15 September 2011 02:08 AM   Total Posts: 65   [ # 2 ]

I got this issue before, and have not resolved it.


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 15 September 2011 04:07 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 3 ]


Make sure you have the latest version of the away3d-core-fp11 repository and the latest player and playerglobal.swc. If the issue remains, please file an issue report at http://github.com/away3d/away3d-core-fp11/issues and attach the OBJ file that wasn’t working.



jhocking, Newbie
Posted: 06 October 2011 07:18 PM   Total Posts: 12   [ # 4 ]

I was having this issue as well, but managed to work around the problem using information from these two posts in other threads:

Basically, it appears that Loader3D sometimes (not every time; sometimes it worked which made the problem even more frustrating) dispatches LoaderEvent.RESOURCE_COMPLETE too soon, resulting in the loader’s number of children still being zero.

What I did instead was to listen for AssetEvent.ASSET_COMPLETE and now it works great. I’m not sure though if this workaround will work with more complex models; mine are very simple OBJ models of boxy spaceships.


Chen Hao, Newbie
Posted: 29 November 2011 03:23 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 5 ]

Please refer to this post: http://away3d.com/forum/viewthread/1463/


jorson, Newbie
Posted: 19 February 2012 12:34 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 6 ]

Hey! everyone

I load model by Loader3D,
after LoaderEvent.RESOURCE_COMPLETE,
how should I revise model ‘s material,
loader3D has no material property



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