Broken Ambient method?

Software: Away3D 4.x

kurono, Sr. Member
Posted: 04 September 2011 08:58 AM   Total Posts: 103

It seems, that latest away3d for fp11 has no proper “ambient” property for BitmapMaterial. It always stays black, even if I tried to set mtl.ambient = 0xffffff; In previous away3d build everything was fine. Any Ideas?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 04 September 2011 12:48 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Please note that you have both an “ambient” property (which should be a floating point value, usually below or around 1.0) and an “ambientColor” property, which should be a color represented by a 24-bit hex value, e.g. 0xffffff.

Please assure that both are set to something other than zero.



kurono, Sr. Member
Posted: 05 September 2011 06:52 AM   Total Posts: 103   [ # 2 ]

Thank you, Richard! I used only “ambientColor”, but in last update default “ambient” value has been changed. Your answer’s very helpful! Thx a lot!!! :3

One more question.
Last update came with “alphaThreshold” trouble (for me). Of course, it works, but not the way I want (previous release was fine). Thin silver line appears at the edge between transparent and non-transparent areas. Usually it happens when mtl.smooth = true.
Sreenshot below describes the problem.

Left: mtl.smooth = true, Prev. vesion of Away3D.
Middle: mtl.smooth = true, Latest vesion of Away3D.
Right: mtl.smooth = false, Latest vesion of Away3D.
mtl.alphaThreshold = .5 for each case…

Please help!




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