Moving the View?

Software: Away3D 3.x

dmen, Newbie
Posted: 01 September 2011 08:54 PM   Total Posts: 11

Can someone explain how moving the view works? It seems to not be positioned absolutely… I am matching some camera / car moves in a video with a 3D object. For one shot I had to move the view from it’s initial x loc of 100 to 700. I used myView.x = 700
That worked fine, but resetting it doesn’t work the same it seems. Just setting the x back to 100 doesn’t give me the initial position…

What am I doing wrong?


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 September 2011 08:27 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 1 ]

The view works like a window on the 3D scene. Think of the view as the “drawable” 2d area on your stage.

To offset the actual content of the view, move the camera’s position instead.

If I understand right, it would be easier to overlay the view on the video at the same position and size then move the object in 3d.

I hope this helps,



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