Is it possible to have a transparent material with visible shadows drawn on it?

Software: Away3D 4.x

antti, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2011 02:24 PM   Total Posts: 1


I’m currently working on a project where i have meshes that cast shadows. The shadows should be projected on a plane below (ground). However, the plane itself should not be visible, only the shadows.

BlendMode’s are not an option because the scene is rendered to a texture that is later on comped with background.

I’ve tried with transparent ColorMaterial and BitmapMaterial, but then the shadows are also transparent.

I’ve tried to manipulate BitmapMaterial’s bitmapData, but the shadows are not drawn on it. I guess they are processed on GPU and there’s no easy hack. So, does anyone know how this could be achieved? Or is it even possible?

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