Hello. I’m working on an Away3D 4 project and I’ve recently noticed something: when I animate the rotation of an object, its texture often displays a kind of trailing/ghosting/blur that doesn’t look very good. I’m sorry for those poor descriptions…I’m not exactly sure what to call it. You can see what it looks like in the attached image.
On the left is a screenshot that I took of a simple cylinder with a texture material, rotating in X at 5 degrees per frame @ 60 fps. The screenshot looks the way I would expect it to. However on the right is a photo I took of the monitor during this same animation, which shows how it actually looks: the imagery on the texture appears duplicated in a kind of trailing effect. It is very apparent and looks odd as the “trailing” image takes up much of the space on the surface of the object.
Considering that the screenshot is crystal clear, my guess would be that it is basically a display problem. But the issue is apparent and looks much the same on every device I’ve tested it on, from a poorly performing phone to a brand new Mac Pro.
Anyone know what might be causing this issue or if anything can be done about it? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.