Hey, look what I just discovered! Wonderful!
I tried going through the ‘Awayphysics-examples-fp11-master’ before, and had given up when the first three examples I tried returned errors.
I decided to try them again now that I have a better understanding of Away3d. So I was able to fix those errors, and now I have all of them working.
The wonderful discovery I made was in the first example - ‘BasicTest.as’. It uses ‘CCD’ - short for Continuous Collision Detection.
What’s so wonderful about that? Read this. It uses Bullet Physics - The fastest physics system!
So I am in business for collisions and physics. I’m ready!
I’ve put together a file with the fixes, so that those like myself now getting started, and interested in collisions primarily, but had problems with the example files, can get started.
I’m so excited!