OpenFL - Stage3D can’t be found

Software: Away3D 4.x

GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 June 2014 11:32 AM   Total Posts: 33

Hi friends,

I would like to use Away3D again for next project, but this time I need to use the OpenFL version.

I was trying the different examples and I’ve noticed that only the export for swf (Flash) is really working. If I export for Neko, Android and iOS it throws this “error”:

/usr/lib/haxe/lib/away3d-core-openfl/git/src/away3d/core/managers/Stage3DProxy.hx:20characters 7-28 : Class not found flash.display.Stage3D 

I’ve added the needed links/classpaths to the xml file

<window require-shaders="true" hardware="true" depth-buffer="true" /> 
<classpath path="/usr/lib/haxe/lib/away3d-core-openfl/git/src" /> 

but it works only if I export to Flash.

I’m sure I’m missing something, cause I’ve seen in Youtube a guy that have exported the examples to all platforms.

Can you please help me to understand what I’m doing wrong? Many Thanks!
Is there any RoadMap for Away3D in OpenFL?

P.S.: I’m not new to Away3D, AS3 or other similar technologies (


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Greg Caldwell (Greg209), Administrator
Posted: 12 June 2014 01:26 PM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 1 ]

Hi there,

Recently OpenFl was updated to 2.0 which introduced changing the API to be which is one of a number of issues that has come out of the update. The current GitHub version of away3d-core-openfl is dependant on OpenFL 1.4.

I’m currently going through the process of upgrading away3d-core-openfl and the away3d-examples-openfl repositories to be compatible with OpenFL 2.0 but it’s still a few days off (maybe more).

As well as the changes for OpenFL 2.0, there are a large number of bug fixes, and new features being added and of course, compatibility across targets is very important.

Hopefully you should see an update soon that will fix your issues. In the meantime, you might want to try and install/downgrade to OpenFL 1.4 to try and get that working.

In terms of a roadmap, there is nothing set in stone. I’m aiming for the most common features to be implemented first principally by working through porting the standard examples and ensuring that they work against OpenFL. Once those are complete, there will probably be a need to try and optimize some areas to make use of WebGL/OpenFL/Haxe features.

I’m certainly actively working to get this port complete as i intend to make use of it myself - when I get time too wink

Please also check out :!/installation:stage3d-windows-target-sta

Hope that helps.




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GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 June 2014 03:37 PM   Total Posts: 33   [ # 2 ]

Hey Greg,
Thank you so much for your answer!

If I’ll be able in the future to use your port for any of my projects, I’ll make for sure a donation (support) to you. I’ve always supported in this way open source providers.

Have a nice day wink



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