Move the model and the camera’s position to the left side of the view?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Fygo, Newbie
Posted: 21 May 2014 09:52 PM   Total Posts: 10

Let’s say my view is 1000px width. I need to render a 3d model in the left part of it (e.g. x of 200 in screen coordinates) and put the camera directly in front of the model, so the model is visible from front, not from a side-ish angle.

I could move the model with a negative X value, the camera too. However, that would just put the object exactly in the center of the screen again as the camera looks at the center of the view always (or how to say this… the camera/model would simply not move, all the view would move).

The other approach would be to set the .x of the view and leave the object/camera at x = 0 (or basically whatever x, it just has to be the same for both the model and camera). This would work nicely but it really screws up my background image.

Is there some nice and easy way to achieve this? Thank you.



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