extreme perspective

Software: Away3D 4.x

seanClusta, Jr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2014 05:35 PM   Total Posts: 38

hi, I’m trying to achieve some distorted perspective but I’m not entirely sure the best way.

I’m using a PerspectiveLens and changing the fieldOfView parameter but this obviously has the effect of zooming in on the object and puts a slight amount of perspective distortion on it. What I’m trying to do is keep the object at a fixed distance (or at least the illusion of it staying inplace when rendered to viewport) but adjust a parameter so it gives the effect of the object being focussed on is skewed into the distance/along the z axis to the camera.

i.e. the object is a cube with one of its corners facing the camera so 3 of the faces can be seen - I want to be able to distort the perspective so that the cube seems strected or squashed along the z-axis wrt the camera.

I’ve kind of achieved the effect by changing the lense’s fieldOfView and the camera’s z position simultaneously but I was wondering if there was any method for doing this solidly in the API ?

hope that makes sense, I’m not sure of the correct terms to describe this!


seanClusta, Jr. Member
Posted: 22 May 2014 10:37 AM   Total Posts: 38   [ # 1 ]

Having thought about it a bit more I suppose the effect I want is something which would be achieved by actually deforming the mesh’s geometry (the cube) i.e. scaling down the back face and stretching it out along the z-axis would have the effect of warping the view so that it fits.

In 3DS max this is called a FFD modifier (Free Form Deformation) and you can apply a bounding box with handles/anchor points. As you drag the anchor points it affects the position of the vertices within, kind of like dragging anchors on a bezier curve.

Does anyone know of the best way to achieve this?




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