Determine closest point on a path, for collision detection

Software: Away3D 4.x

Jake, Newbie
Posted: 09 May 2014 09:29 PM   Total Posts: 11

I am trying to do collision detection inside of an extruded path tunnel, using sphere radius based, distance from path calculation to determine collision with inner wall (real physics mesh collision seems like overkill)

Sorry to be discussing Deprecated code, I’m using the old PathThings demo as a test bed, (just needed some minor tweaking and conversion to QuadraticPath to run under current Away3D)

My big issue seems to be determining the point along the path the free running avatar is at, looks like if running at a fixed velocity the approximate point on the path at a given point in time can be calculated, some error is introduced by navigation weaving. I could determine it by the progress property of a hidden parallel pathAnimated object or using getPointOnCurve, narrowing the range that needs to be parsed to get the closest point for off path measurement. (spacing is different in each section making getPointOnCurve less accurate predictor than I hoped).

Any more rational approach would be appreciated.




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