AWD Texture quality is very poor

Software: Away3D 4.x

danee987, Newbie
Posted: 26 April 2014 03:13 AM   Total Posts: 4

Hi, I have a model I’ve lit and textured in Away Builder. It looks great inside of Away Builder but when I load it into flash the normals texture looks severely compressed and unusable. I thought it would be a simple task of just adjusting compression settings in Away Builder, but even if I set it to uncompressed it loads in looking crappy into flash.

Does anyone know how I can get my normals texture to look the same as it does inside of Away Builder? Maybe there are Flash related settings affecting it?( I am using Flash Builder) Or maybe some quality settings I need to adjust in the code on the Away 3D engine? Any help is appreciated. Thank you



danee987, Newbie
Posted: 29 April 2014 06:03 AM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 1 ]

Bump. Anyone? confused



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